cover coming soon! + Updates

Well, we’re on our way now.

The cover is almost done.

Officially, I can’t unveil it just yet. But lots and lots of elbow grease is being applied even as I type.

Here’s the first teaser:

Well, I hope it’s something interesting. There are a few different iterations, as well, depending on format. When it’s done, I’ll unveil it here and throughout the site.

Onto the next step!

Which is the back blurb. After an obscene number of edits and rewrites, the back cover blurb is almost ready. It’ll be posted sometime next week, so don’t miss it!

From there, you can look forward to continuous weekly news and progress updates, book snippets, and eventually some side stories, which I hope are interesting looks into the book itself and its universe (but didn’t quite make it into the pages).

Book 2 update:

Also on the way is Book 2, whose working title is “Defiance.” (Absolutely no foreshadowing there.) It’s in the early stages of the first major draft, so there’s a lot yet to write and edit and write and edit, but it’s already got me excited about what’s coming, even if the world hasn’t seen what’s already happened!

Alright, that’s all for this week. Remember to come back next week for the back blurb, and don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for updates and promotions!



the last eye of time