the last eye of time
The Last Eye of Time
A Science Fantasy story by Guy W Nettleton
Coming in 2025
Hi all,
This is the first step of the final part of a journey that is years in the making. My debut novel, The Last Eye of Time, will be released after seven years of writing, edits, pandemics, and more edits. Finally, I am now considering the artist for the cover design, and once I have that, to get the book ready for final formatting. There is still some editing to be done, but honestly, there is always editing to be done.
Things are falling into place. It’s all starting to feel real.
At this moment, a mid-to-late summer release seems most realistic. I am aiming for July, with August as a backup in the case of unforeseen hiccups. Here in this space, I will detail most of the major steps, as well as post excerpts, snippets, and blurbs about the book.
In addition, I have a lot of side stories and supplementary material that I hope to release on a weekly or semi-weekly basis. All this while I finish the first sequel (of a planned trilogy) should give everybody a bit of a taste of what is and what is to come.
I’m excited. Thank you for being a part of this journey.
Guy W Nettleton